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Magic Scan

Record a gif and show what's inside you!
In Magic Scan you will be scanned from head to toe with our unique scanner and show everyone who you are deep under your skin. Will it be a prince or princess, or maybe a scary zombie or super man?
Event participants will check it out at Magic Scan!

See what fun looks like with Magic Scan!

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How Magic Scan works?

  • You stand in front of the camera with our scanner in your hands.

  • You scan yourself from head to toe. You will see the effect on the screen.

  • Do something crazy and after a while the short video is ready to send.

Make your event attendees have a surprising amount of fun!

We can customize the characters that will appear after 'scanning' to fit the theme of the event.

Organizing a Super Hero event?
Magic Scan will feature superheroes

Planning a Halloween party?
All the scary creatures are at your disposal

Christmas party?
Santa Claus, Snowflake, Elves and Reindeer are waiting to show up in Magic Scan

Final Magic Scan footage clips will be ready in seconds!

Branding Magic SCAN

MAGIC SCAN is made to complement your event's visual communication!

We go to great lengths to ensure that our clients can tailor photo-attractions to their expectations

Photo-attractions tailored to your expectations!


Technical Specifications

Access to electricity

230 V socket within 25m


We need efficient Wi-Fi or LTE coverage


We need a space of 3x2m or more


One person scans for approximately 30 seconds
Sharing the clip is done at the sharing station.

Outdoor events

For electronics roofing against rain and sun, ambient temperature from 5 to 35 degrees.
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Are you looking for an innovative attraction?
Do you want to attract the attention of guests
and customers?

It's great!
Write to us where and when you plan the event - we will quickly prepare an offer for you